Selecting the proper hair for an operation is more art than science. Buying the proper hair is blind chance. This page is to help you pick out good hair while you are browsing the local fly shop and maybe save you from buying things you don't need. Don't blame the fly shop owner for selling deer hair that won't spin or elk hair that flares too much when you tie a caddis wing. These guys order what is available sight unseen and are stuck with what comes in. However,hair is cheap (relative to hackle) and you can usually find a use for what you bought even if it doesn't work for your intended purpose.
There are other types of hair like polar bear, moosehair, antelope hair, etc. While this list is not exhaustive, it could point you in the right direction for selecting the right hair. My first fly was tied with hair from my Siamese cat. Some folks actually collect road kills for the hair. I have found that buying the hair already tanned and deloused is so much simpler it is worth the money.
Light Cahill, Adams Dry,ElkHair Caddis, Wooly Bugger, Pheasant Tail
Hare's Ear,BWO Parachute, Prince, Red Quill, Royal Wullf, Irresistable