See Hackle Barb Prep for more instruction.
The following tail tie-in procedure can be used for other types of tail material like:
marabou, hen hackle barbs, guinea fowl, gold pheasant tippets, deer and elk hair, etc.
1) Measure hackle fibers against hook shank to determine tail length. Most nymphs call for 1/2 hook shank length. Note point "A". If you are tying a dry or different fly, check your Fly Proportion before you measure tail length. |
2) Cover that 1/2 hook shank length with left hand and hold butts against hook shank. | |
3) Hold hackle barb butts so that point "A" on hackle barb bundle aligned with hook bend and shank connection. Cut off excess so that barb butts end up against lead wraps. This makes for a smooth underbody and your body will not turn out bulky and uneven. | |
4) Make sure thread is hanging a little space behind lead wraps. Hold tail butts against your side of hook
shank at a downward angle where the thread is hanging and make a loose wrap of thread.
For a little different way of tying in tails, see: |
5) Tighten thread and ,while maintaining heavy thread tension, wrap forward to wing butts. This will roll tail fibers on top of hook shank. | |
6) Wrap forward to wing butts while maintaining heavy thread tension. This will roll tail fibers on top of hook shank. | |
7)Then wrap thread to hook bend. This will force tail material down along top of hook shank. This allow to control the attitude of the tail materials better than the other method.
8) Tail should look like this.You are now ready : Tie-in Ribbing Material for Nymphs or Dub Body for Light Cahill, BWO Parachute or Adams or Peacock Body for Royal Wulff or Quill Body for Red Quill |
Light Cahill, Adams Dry , Hare's Ear,BWO Parachute, Red Quill,
Royal Wullf, Irresistable, TELLICO