HOOKS | see Hook Selection Page. |
THREAD | On over 90% of flies, I use Danville's 6/0 and 3/0 monocord. Both are used prewaxed except on a few flies. Danville's Flat Waxed Nylon is great for spinning hair and salt water flies. |
DRY FLY DUBBING | Superfine from Wapsi or Ray Rumph's. This is the easiest dubbing to work with on the market. |
WET FLY DUBBING | I use Hairline's rabbit dubbing because of it's buggy look. |
See Hackle Selection Page. |
DRY FLY HACKLE | I use Hoffman exclusively. Their necks in grade 2 & 3 are great. They have thin stems that do not twist when you wrap hackle. Also you get more flies for the money because of the sheer number of hackles on each neck. The saddles in grade 2 and 1 are real good for production tying or if you tie only a couple of sizes since saddles usually will only tie 2 or 3 sizes. Metz rooster saddles are great if you are tying large dries, i.e. size 10 to 14. |
WET FLY HACKLE | Most hen necks on the market are great for smaller flies but I like the cheap hen backs for larger ones. Hen backs also work great if you are tying beard style hackle and the barb length doesn't matter. |
WOOLLY BUGGER , SALT WATER AND BASS BUG HACKLE | Most of the brand name rooster saddles out there(Metz, Keough, Hebert, Spencer's) are great but the Hoffman saddles tie too small for these flies, however the large feathers on the Hoffman necks are good. |
TINSEL | For streamer bodies, I like the synthetic stuff you find in the department stores around Christmas time. The metal stuff will cut your thread and is a pain to work with. |
Comments: These are just a few of the materials you will need. Like everything else in fly tying, material selection is a matter of personal preference and what works well for me may not for you. Just like selecting tools, you can't go wrong with quality. The cheap stuff is usually just that, cheap.
Light Cahill, Adams Dry Elk, Hair Caddis, Wooly Bugger, Pheasant Tail
Hare's Ear,BWO Parachute, Prince, Red Quill, Royal Wullf, Irresistable