Fly Patterns
The big differense is color of all materials, and also wing material whether hair or turkey flats. Most people prefer to stick with all white wings (turkey flats or white calf body hair) for visibility and the older I get the more I agree. You can also use various synthetic materials like antron yarn or z-lon. I will include the proper colors in the material list.
Dark Hendrickson | Blue Wing Olive | Dark Cahill | Pale Morning Dun |
Light Hendrickson | Female Adams | Light Cahill | March Brown |
Light Cahill MATERIALS HOOK: Mustad 94840 or 94833 THREAD: 6/0 gray WING: Woodduck flank, white poly yarn, turkeyflats or calf hair. TAIL: creme hackle fibers BODY: creme dubbing HACKLE: creme Rooster Neck or Saddle Hackle. |
Dark Cahill MATERIALS HOOK: Mustad 94840 or 94833 THREAD: 6/0 gray WING: Woodduck flank, white poly yarn, turkeyflats or calf hair. TAIL: brown hackle fibers BODY: gray dubbing HACKLE: Brown Rooster Neck or Saddle Hackle. |
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Light Hendrickson MATERIALS
HOOK: Mustad 94840 or 94833 THREAD: 6/0 WING: Woodduck flank, white poly yarn, turkeyflats or calf hair. TAIL: Med. Blue Dun hackle fibers BODY: Hendrickson pink dubbing HACKLE: Med. Blue Dun Rooster Neck or Saddle Hackle. |
Dark Hendrickson MATERIALS
HOOK: Mustad 94840 or 94833 THREAD: 6/0 WING: Woodduck flank, white or blue dun poly yarn, turkeyflats or calf hair. TAIL: Med. to dark dun hackle fibers BODY: Adams gray dubbing HACKLE: Med. to dark dun Rooster Neck or Saddle Hackle. |
March Brown MATERIALS HOOK: Mustad 94840 or 94833 THREAD: 6/0 WING: Woodduck flank, white poly yarn, turkeyflats or calf hair. TAIL: Brown and grizzly hackle fibers BODY: Tan dubbing HACKLE: Brown and grizzly Rooster Neck or Saddle Hackle. |
Pale Morning Dun MATERIALS HOOK: Mustad 94840 or 94833 THREAD: 6/0 TAIL: Light blue dun Hackle Fibers BODY: Light olive dubbing WING: White poly yarn, turkeyflats or calf hair. HACKLE: Light blue dun Rooster Neck or Saddle Hackle. |
Blue Wing Olive MATERIALS
HOOK: Mustad 94840 or 94833 THREAD: 6/0 TAIL: Med. Blue Dun Hackle Fibers BODY: Olive dubbing WING: dun or white poly yarn, turkeyflats or calf hair. HACKLE: Med. Blue Dun Rooster Neck or Saddle Hackle. |
Female Adams MATERIALS HOOK: Mustad 94840 or 94833 THREAD: 6/0 TAIL: Brown and grizzly Hackle Fibers BODY: Yellow and gray dubbing WING: White calf hair HACKLE: Brown and grizzly Rooster Neck or Saddle Hackle. |
Royal Wullf MATERIALS HOOK: Mustad 94840 or 94833 THREAD: 6/0 WING: White calf hair TAIL: Deer hair BODY: Peacock Herl with red color band HACKLE: Brown Rooster Neck or Saddle Hackle. |
Light Cahill, Adams Dry,ElkHair Caddis, Wooly Bugger, Pheasant Tail
Hare's Ear,BWO Parachute, Prince, Red Quill, Royal Wullf, Irresistable